Daniel Fone

Ruby/Rails Engineer

Generating Unique, Random Tokens

tl;dr If you need a random, unique token, use SecureRandom.uuid (or SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 for something shorter).

Generating some kind of token for records is a common problem in web development. Fortunately, UUIDs are designed precisely for generating unique, random IDs or tokens. For most applications, you’ll probably want a fully random v4 UUID, which you can easily generate with SecureRandom in Ruby’s standard library.

require 'securerandom'
SecureRandom.uuid # => "16fc1d86-7d6e-4011-9b75-d6cd9501fe1e"

This is a widely implemented1 and instantly recognisable format that is vanishingly unlikely to have a collision.2

Now, as an engineer, “unlikely” makes me nervous. I confess I don’t have an intuitive grasp of the statistics involved, and to me the two options are “can’t happen” or “will happen”. Although my rational brain knows better, I still instinctively put “vanishingly unlikely” in the “will happen” category. Sure, a collision might be unlikely if we’re only dealing with a small number of records, but what if we’re dealing with BigData™?

Well let me put it in perspective for you: you’d have to generate 112 terabytes of UUIDs before you’d even have a one in a billion chance of a collision.3 So unless you’ve got a 112 terabyte database to fill with UUIDs, you’re going to have a lot of other problems first.

How would this look in practice then? If I wanted a token for an ActiveRecord object, it’d look something like:

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  before_create :generate_token, unless: :token?
  def generate_token
    self.token = SecureRandom.uuid

Now you probably want an index on the token column, so you might as well make it a unique index. However, a collision is so unlikely to occur there’s really no point handling the RecordNotUnique exception that would be raised in that event.

Other Formats

The downside of UUID is that it’s rather unwieldy. It uses 36 characters to render 16 bytes of entroy.4 Naturally, there are plenty of other ways to render 16 bytes of entropy and still have the same statistical properties outlined above.

SecureRandom offers a few other helpful methods for generating token-like strings. My two preferred choices are hex and urlsafe_base64. Here they all are for comparison.

SecureRandom.uuid           # => "8efb5d40-32d8-43c8-a92d-d5f048c8729c"
SecureRandom.hex            # => "bad6650fc0142451e624bd89b6aa3acf"
SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 # => "vp6xjBgi48Jgag6dqH8niw"

Short, Memorable, Readable Tokens

What about if the token needs to be really short? I once worked on a project where certain customer facing records had an easy to read reference made of 6 hexadecimal digits. In that case, we only want 3 bytes, and the hex method conveniently allows us to specify how many bytes we’ll need.

SecureRandom.hex(3) # => "bff1a1"

Of course, now we’re only dealing with 16,777,216 possible tokens and collisions are inevitable. In my next post, we’ll take a look at effective ways to deal with token collisions for ActiveRecord objects.

  1. You can even generate one from the command line of most *nix systems with uuidgen

  2. This — and the discussion after it — is assuming that the PRNG has sufficient entropy. SecureRandom’s entropy source is system-dependent. 

  3. Given that a UUID is 36 bytes, we want to know how many UUIDs (of which there are 2112 total) will give us a one in a billion (2-30) chance of collision. We can plug the square approximation for the Birthday Problem into WolframAlpha to get the result

  4. It’s actually 122 bits since 6 of 128 bits are fixed as per the RFC

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